
Saying Goodbye to Nonfiction

2024-07-20 ~800 words
Since I graduated college, my reading diet has been primarily nonfiction… I’m starting to feel like that’s not a particularly good way to make myself smarter.

Implementing Semantic Search

2024-06-03 ~1600 words
Sometimes when you’re searching for a digital record, you don’t remember the precise wording of the original entry…. Semantic search attempts to compare the meanings of words and phrases instead of the characters.

Tasks and Dates

2024-05-31 ~1900 words
Tasks. So simple that every online app tutorial uses them as example data. But try to build a practical task management app and you’ll quickly discover that there’s a lot of complexity to them.

Probability Estimates: 2024

2023-12-17 ~1400 words
Ideally, when we say we think something is likely (or unlikely), we should revisit our prediction later once we know the actual outcome… so this year some friends and I will be competing by predicting various 2024 events.

New Things: Capital One

2023-11-29 ~200 words
Today was my last day at ReviewTrackers. I’ll miss RT. Over almost two years, I got to experience “startup” life and I transitioned to full time software engineering (after years as a nominal data scientist who happened to do some dev work). My fellow engineers there were good teachers and listeners, and engineering management was always open to feedback. I’ll be starting a new gig at Capital One on Monday, working on cybersecurity tooling.

Hosting a Full Stack App for Free

2023-09-03 ~1700 words
For the last year or so, I’ve been chipping away at a side project: a weightlifting-tracking app. The ostensible purpose is to store the metrics I want and make data entry as convenient as possible, but in practice it’s mainly a way for me to become more familiar with the development of a “large” web application and the challenges that come with it.

Errors as Values in Rust and Go

2023-07-10 ~4500 words
Rust reminds me a lot of Go. Both languages eschewed exception-style error handling, a feature present in almost every language that’s popular in industry. However, the idioms they use instead are very different.