
Since last year, my content consumption has changed a little bit. Not that much though. If you’re just interested in what’s changed since last year, here’s a summary: Removed: Noahpinion (repetitive, lots of posts, not always insightful), Money Stuff (so many long posts), The Pragmatic Programmer (not that useful imo) Added: Astral Codex Ten (the new MVP of my content consumption), The Intelligence from the Economist (well worth the short episodes), Shardcast: The Brandon Sanderson Podcast (truly useless but I enjoy it, what can I say)
Two years of using LLMs regularly has challenged a strong belief of mine: that fundamentally, thinking is primarily just language that happens in our heads. I’m aware that this wasn’t a prevailing view in psychology, but I still want to talk about what changed my mind, since it didn’t require reading academic literature – just engaging with practical tools and reflecting on the experience.

Implementing Semantic Search


Easier than it sounds

Sometimes when you’re searching for a digital record, you don’t remember the precise wording of the original entry…. Semantic search attempts to compare the meanings of words and phrases instead of the characters.