Tech for Teaching

2023-04-21 ~200 words

I taught a tutorial at PyCon a few days ago. It went well, but what I want to discuss are some technical things I did that went well and (I think) made the presentation easier for students to follow.

An overview:

  • Create a repository with separate folders for the code that should be finished after each section of the talk.
  • Produce diffs of those incremental versions and put them somewhere that attendees can reference
  • Build slides with Jupyter and add custom styling by embedding a CSS file in the Reveal template
    • This was tricky enough that I’ll punt it to a future blog post
    • Add custom styling by embedding a CSS file in the Reveal template
      • Add empty divs with special classes and use the next-sibling selector to style the next element
  • Use GitHub Actions to build and host the slides online