Lookout Joe was my first love of Cincinnati coffee shops. It sits on Mount Lookout Square, which means both a great atmosphere and free parking. The coffee is fine and it offers good hours, open until 8pm every weeknight. Lookout Joe is the rare coffee shop that offers a good option for standing while working; it has several high tables, and matching high stools if sitting is more your style. The additional outdoor seating, with umbrellas, means this place gets full marks in the seating category. But coffee shops are about more than seating, and this one gets dinged on a few other measures (but not that many). Lookout Joe can get a bit busy, and the interior – while homey – does feel a bit dingy. More importantly, the poor wifi is a real problem that deters me from visiting if I have a lot of web-based work to do. Still, Lookout Joe comes with enough strengths to earn my stamp of approval.